Monday, November 8, 2010

Nine Months Old!

Jace turned nine months old last week, but he was sick that day. And then I got sick. And then we were busy. And then he needed a bath. So we finally took his pictures today. But he wasn’t too interested in sitting still. And I didn’t realize that the flash was turned off. I was tempted to just give up and wait for another time. But you know what? This captures Jace’s life at nine months old!

Here’s the best picture of the group:

2010-11-08 007

So what’s up with Jace these days? He' has very quickly become a very quick crawler. He finally figured out how to get himself to move forward on October 17, and then really took off with it on the 20th. He now spends his days exploring the house and chasing down the pets. His absolute favorite toys are the snot sucker and a measuring cup. Don’t you dare try and take them away from him! He hasn’t really grown in the past month. If anything, he’s lost some weight now that he’s take up crawling. He is completely done nursing. The day we switched to all formula, the spitting up pretty much stopped! He might spit up a few times a week now, but it’s normal baby spit up. He’s been off his medicine for a few weeks and doing great! It’s crazy to have a need for clean clothes rather than a need for more burp cloths driving me to do laundry. He thinks he’s hilarious. He’ll be playing and just start laughing at himself. He also loves to make us laugh, and loves it when we make him laugh. We are blessed by this child!

And, now for the rest of our photo shoot today:

2010-11-08 0012010-11-08 004

Trying to crawl off the chair…

2010-11-08 009

I was a second too late in capturing him licking the chair.

2010-11-08 015

Trying to get off the chair again, and again. I finally gave in and stopped trying to make him sit still.

2010-11-08 0162010-11-08 017

Playing with Daddy.

2010-11-08 020

My back was having problems this evening, and Jace really wanted attention, so Nolan was amazing and held Jace while doing the dishes. Jace liked helping his daddy.

2010-11-08 028

Nolan then cooked me dinner. He’s such a great husband. On Friday, I’d felt sick all day. He picked up dinner on his way home from work, took care of Jace all evening, and then spent the day on Saturday playing with Jace and cleaning house while I spent some time sewing. What a wonderful man I have!


Empty Nesters said...

Oh,my goodness! Such a busy boy! How fun and, yes, you will always remember when Jace would not sit still for his picture! I remember when his mommy was ready to walk off the platform at Penneys when we got your pictures! Hmmmm....And I love Jace helping Daddy wash dishes! Way to go, Nolan!

Scuba Wife Life said...

I love the pic that turned out the best! Its an adorable shot!! :) I am sorry about your back, but you sure do have a little cutie on your hands!! I can't believe he's crawling all over the place now and growing so fast!! Ahh! :)