Tuesday, January 22, 2013
“No, I just want to play.”
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Our Little Three Month Lady
**One of these days I’ll get around to documenting more than just Reese’s monthly updates!**
How is it that our little girl is already three months old? I feel like time is flying by, but that I’m also able to really enjoy the days and moments with both Jace and Reese.
This past month was a great one. She turned two months and it was as though she suddenly realized how wonderful it is to sleep, be content, and enjoy your bed! She is happy all day long and really only gets fussy if she’s sleepy or hungry. While her favorite place to be is still in our laps talking and smiling, she has learned to have fun playing on her ladybug (she can lay there looking at her toys and watching whatever is going on in the house for over an hour at a time!) or sitting in her swing and watching what’s going on in the living room.
She has settled into a nice daily routine—taking a few light naps or a long nap while we run errands in the morning, a long (2-2.5 hrs) afternoon nap in her crib (yay for Mommy time since this is typically at the same time as Jace’s nap!), a shorter evening nap or two, and then she sleeps all night. That’s right, the little girl who loved staying up until 2 or 3 am last month now goes to bed by midnight and doesn’t wake up until 9 or 10 am! This Mommy is loving it. Her thumb has become a source of comfort and it’s thanks to that thumb that we’re having such great nights. I think the cutest thing ever is when she’s wearing her jacket in her carseat with her hood up and sucking on her thumb. Her little face looks so round!
She loves to eat and will take milk however she gets it—not hesitation with a bottle. Feedings are typically every 3 hours, but once in a while she ups it to 2 or stretches to 4. I feel like I can actually get things done now that I’m not tied to feeding her constantly.
She has chubby legs—her rolls make me giggle every time I change her diaper. She’s gaining weight well which surprises me considering how much she loses due to spit up after each feeding. So far the list of foods/drinks that upset her tummy when I eat them is: coffee, tea, pop, chocolate and possibly tomato based food. I’m hoping we’ll be able to get her on reflux medicine soon since Jace had the same issues.
She and her brother still love each other. It’s so precious to watch Jace’s adoration of his sister stay just as strong, if not stronger, as it was when we brought her home. He loves to say, “That’s our baby. Her name is Reese.” Or, “Hi Reese!” Or, “I’ll call her Reesey.” Every morning when he comes into my room the first thing he asks is “Where’s Reese Mommy?” If only his love could transfer to his own physical awareness as he seems to be on the verge of majorly injuring her at all times.
She giggled for the first time on December 26th. Nolan was playing with her downstairs while I got ready upstairs. She giggled so loud I could hear it and came running. She giggled again the next day, but since then has been easily amused and generous with smiles, but not so ready to laugh out loud again. But where she lacks in giggles she makes up for in talking. Any time she’s in Nolan’s lap it’s like she has to catch him up on her day.
I love that both my babies look like siblings and have similar characteristics while also having their own unique features. I’m excited to see what this next month with Reese holds!