Saturday, October 9, 2010

It’s 9:45 pm and What’s Jace Doing?

That’s right, an hour and forty five minutes after he normally goes to bed, and Jace is jumping. And jumping, and jumping, and jumping. He always gets to bed a little later on Saturday nights because of evening church, but tonight we did pretty well at getting him down at 8:30. Then, around 9:15 he was a little too busy in his bed, so we got him up, and discovered he’d had a blow out diaper. Into the tub he went and so commenced some extreme hyperness. So hyper that I had to let him try crawling around the tub (despite the fact that he hasn’t figured out how to crawl forward yet), and had to then put his diaper on from behind because there was no stopping this child from rolling and scooting away. Thankfully, the jumperoo is doing what I hoped and helping him quickly get some energy out. Maybe now he’s ready to sleep?


Empty Nesters said...

I hope you all got some sleep! Thanks for posting!!! Fun to see these moments...from afar:) This is when it's fun to be grandparents!

Family of 5 said...

LOL...looks like he wore himself out!! The kids loved wwatching this video!! :) Especially Cami!!

janae king...sewing patterns said...

hi jill, your baby is adorable. do you live in Salem, oregon? and could you please send me the pattern info on the blouse you made at - i work at Greenbaum's Quilted you shop there?